At Happy Paws Spay-Neuter, our mission is to make high quality preventive care accessible and affordable for all pet owners. We exist to serve the community because helping people and pets is why we chose this industry. During a cost of living crisis, with regular veterinary services becoming ever more unaffordable, we are needed more than ever.
Dr Ellie St John, after twenty years of working as a vet for other businesses, launched her spay-neuter clinic, Happy Paws, in February 2024. Having performed thousands of sterilisations in her lifetime, she is well placed to take on a high volume of surgeries while maintaining safe, strict protocols to protect the needs of every individual patient.
The benefits of spaying and neutering are multiple: the incidence of mammary cancer is far lower in spayed female dogs, especially when done at a younger age; behavioural problems can be prevented or resolved, including spraying and marking indoors; and prostate problems are greatly reduced in males. These are just the health benefits: many people do not wish to experience a bitch in heat, they may have males and females in the same house (which are very difficult to keep separate!), or they may be worried about the risk of pregnancy and birth for their pet.
In April, we launched our new low cost vaccine clinic, which has a walk-in session on Wednesdays between 2pm and 4pm. The cost is £40 for a booster, or £60 for a series of two (puppy/kitten, or restart for pets who have gone longer than 15 months without a booster). We also offer kennel cough vaccinations, which are essential if you are thinking of boarding your dog at a kennels, or even just take them to areas where other dogs congregate.
Booking is easy! Simply use the online booking option below, call us on 01444 228333, email, or Facebook message us on the Happy Paws Spay-Neuter page.
We provide routine, preventative care and are limited in what we can provide for urgent medical problems. We see emergencies that arise as a complication of the services we provide, so a problem in the post-operative period such as bleeding, infection or wound breakdown. If your pet has an unrelated issue, we are not best placed to attend to it. Please contact your regular vet for this. Exceptional circumstances would apply, such as if a pet were to be in a road traffic accident outside the clinic, and we were present there. We would be able to provide an initial assessment and pain relief. Please contact us for any further information.